A Pep Talk. 

There are a million thoughts going through my head right now. I can barely think straight in this (or any) math class. My heart is hammering in my chest–I’m a mess. Math class does this to me. Math in general, but when I’m in a room full of students, and my teacher is flying through the lesson? When it takes me a week into the new one to learn the last one? It’s hard. It’s frustrating. It’s embarrassing. 

Imagine this. We live in a society where being an individual is demanded. We are constantly told to be ourselves. I love drawing, writing and singing. I suck at math. Always have, and probably always will. The hardest thing I had to learn was to be okay with that. I had to accept that there are just some things in life I don’t enjoy/I’m bad at, and that people were going to try to get me down for it. And I learned that by myself. Only one person in my life has ever told me to be okay with failure. Ever. That’s something that’s self-taught, I guess. My math teachers all scoff, groan, throw up their hands and ask why I even bother trying. 

I try because even though I am terrible at such a subject, I refuse to give up. I know it took me two weeks to learn how to factor the given root of a polynomial. I know I’ve never gotten anything above a “C” on a math test in the last four years. But just because I’m bad at something, does not mean I’m going to give up. Even if the effort is in vain, at least I attempted. 

And you shouldn’t give up either. Find whatever it is you’re bad at, and find something else that’s good. Like reading? Tell yourself you can read an extra chapter if you give it your best in the class you’re struggling in. Give yourself an incentive. Something to look forward to, and something to make you want to try harder. Breathe. It will be ten times worse if you get worked up. And the last thing? Believe in yourself, as I believe in you. Everyone has something they struggle with. But don’t ever give up on it. Say it with me: “I will do my best. I may not succeed, but I will not be defeated. I can do this.” I know you can do anything you set your mind to. Just breathe, relax, and focus. You can do this. 

4 thoughts on “A Pep Talk. 

  1. The continuation project is an infinite universe within itself- expressed through the life-breathing, beating heart of this young writer. Where she faces every sharp drop, twist and turn, she always will make a smoother road out of the bumps that plague it. Way to go, writer!!

    Liked by 1 person

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    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was born in 1955 and my family raised chickens so I understand what all this means! You are a very strong and brave chica and I admire that! I live in Arkansas and I used to live in the big city. I fully know what it means to be surrounded by people who judge you. The city changed me. It made me be confident. Might I suggest moving to a big city yourself to learn the ropes? It’s a delightful and moving experience. Much love


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